Why no blogging? I know the 6 people who check in with Team Cox regularly are getting impatient. With double the Cox-spawn trouble, and nothing to do all day since I'm still on maternity leave (ha, ha, ha), there's really no excuse. Especially because in the blogging hiatus, Owen has turned two (repeatedly, judging by the number of times it's been celebrated) Eli has grown massive (I have a 7 week old that needs size three diapers. No, I'm not kidding. Size THREE.), and the weather has finally improved giving the three of us the opportunity to spend more time doing fun things outside, like riding bikes and falling head first off the big slide at the playground (mom note to self: don't beleive the propaganda. 2 is not reeaaly such a big boy afterall). So anyway, my apologies. First blogging impediment is that we've misplaced the cord that can upload pictures from the camera to the computer. We misplaced it in one of our frantic "people are coming over, CLEAN UP THE HOUSE NOW!" fits and can't seem to figure out where we stashed it. And second, 2 kids is HARD, yo. By the time I get both in clean diapers and dressed int the morning, well, it's time to change the diapers again. And all three of us need a nap.
Anyway, I haven't forgotten about the blog, I'm just a little behind. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up soon.