So you (I) probably thought that since I'm now only working part time in the evenings, I'd have plenty of time to stay on top of the blog, keep up with email communications, keep my house sparkling clean, and pick up quilting. Well, you (I) would be totally wrong (just kidding about the house cleaning thing. I might yet pick up quilting, but it'll be a cold day in hell before my house is sparkling clean while Owen still lives in it). I'm finding I'm busier these days than I've ever been, and compounded by the working till midnight thing 4 days a week, I'm pretty tired. I have to say, though, of all the permutations of work-life balance we've tried so far, this is by far the best one. True, I could use a little more sleep. But I really think that eliminating just one element from my life - the daycare drop off and pickup and related stress about timing, etc. - has made a huge difference in my stress level. Things just seem so much easier now, late nights notwithstanding.
So anyway, a few quick updates (and sorry no pictures, the problem is that I usually blog on the computer we don't upload the pictures to, so in order to put up pictures I have to a) remember to update the blog and then b) remmeber to update it from the other computer. apparently a 2 step process is now beyond me. I blame the kids.)
1) potty training. we're done. that's a wrap, it was over in a week. Don't ask me how, because I had nothing to do with it - it was Owen's idea, and now he's a pro. He even is waking up dry in the morning, although I'm nervous about pulling the plug on the nighttime diaper and am keeping him in one now just in case, but I think another week of dry mornings and I'll let that go too. Don't ask me for any potty training advice, because I have none - all I know is that the kid decided he was done with diapers and that was it.
2) Our vacation. I'm not a paid shill for Smuggler's Notch family resort, but I'd be happy to be one (note to smuggs, you listening?) It was awesome. We had a condo, which relieved the two major reservations I have about vacations - the first being the need to eat out all the time, and the second the lack of laundry facilities. The fully equipped kitchen in the condo was the key to vacation success, in my opinion. I only like to go out to eat when what I'm really doing is going out to drink - I think it's fun to get dressed up, go someplace trendy, and order a $17 martini. I do NOT think it's fun to get food out just because I'm hungry. I'd rather buy a powerbar at a gas station and be done with it. And I'd rather have my toenails extracted than go out to dinner more than once in a week with 2 kids under 3. So the kitchen solved that problem and saved us a ton of money as well. And the laundry - well, again I mention we were travelling with 2 kids under 3. Do you know how much laundry they can generate in a week? Coming home with a suitcase full of clean and folded clothes felt like a vacation in and of itself. Beyond that, the place was just really well done for families. We spend 4 days with the kids and 3 days without, which was the perfect balance and everyone had fun the whole time. And for what we got, it was extremely affordable. I highly recommend it and if you want more details, please ask because I'm happy to shill away.
3) Being home during the day - or, as someone recently put it to me - so have you 3 killed each other yet? Surprisingly, no. We're all having a really good time. Part of me was kind of anxious about making the transition to home full time, and to be honest I was secretly reserving the option to put Owen back in half time daycare if I couldn't handle it, but it's actually turned out great. The one problem I've found is that we're certainly not lacking in places to go and things to do, but if we're on the go all the time Elias naps for crap. If we stay home all day, he takes 2 beautiful 2 hour naps in his crib from about 9-11 and again from 2-4, and then goes down at 7:30 and sleeps really well all night. But if we're out and about on the go, he catnaps here and there and is cranky and paradoxically up more in the night. Most of the time I say screw the naps (I'm exhausted anyway, what's a little less sleep at this point, right?) and we've filled our days, but the days we've been home have been really good for Eli's sleep. I'm still trying to work this one out.
So that's about all the news. I'll try and post pictures soon.