Wednesday, January 25, 2012

For Elias, on the Occasion of Your Second Birthday

Dear Elias, On Friday you are two! and I still can't believe it. In my head, you still look like this:
I don't remember your entry into the world as clearly as I remember your brother's. There was a lot of confusion, a lot of commotion. I do remember them wheeling me up to the special care nursery in the hospital bed, and I remember seeing you in the incubator.
I remember being out of my mind with worry on the way up to the nursery, until I spotted your gigantic, 9 1/2 pound self up there in special care with all the teeny tiny preemie babies and suddenly feeling better. Just look at you - I remember your dad and I laughing at how incongruous you seemed in that sea of tiny babies. I remember them bringing you down to me later in my room and saying you were going to be fine, and thinking "I already knew that". Besides that, it's a blur, but I can tell you your dad and I were so glad to finally meet you. you were an exceedingly laid back baby, which is hilarious because your pugnacious, extremely spirited 2 year old self has nothing in common with that baby. You used to just hang out and watch the world go by. At the time, I thought it was because you were just a mellow little spirit. Now I think you were just carefully observing your brother and taking notes on how to be a whirling dervish. Either way, you were chubby, charming, and deliciously cuddly.
This is you on your first birthday. You were adorable, but you weren't too sure about that cake. I'm fuzzy on the specifics, but I'm pretty sure you could walk but couldn't talk at 1, but you definitely already had a sense of humor.
You are a very funny guy, and we all appreciate it. Today, you told one of your best jokes. It goes like this: Eli: "Go seep?" Mom: "you want to go to sleep?" Eli: "yeah." (climbs onto the radiator and pretends to snore) "Eli seep on the radi-aty!" Mom: "no! boys don't sleep on the radiator!" Eli: Hysterical laughter. Hmm. maybe you have to be there. In any case, your brother and I think you're funny. Speaking of brother, I do know that brother was your first word - no wait, it was duck. Brother was your second word. No matter, it's still adorable. You and Owen will likely become mortal enemies at some point in the future, which is why I feel the need to point out that now, you are the best of friends.
I am frequently thankful that both you and your brother are boys, because as such you will likely care less than if you were girls that I have done absolutely no keeping-of-a-baby book for either of you. Many mothers (better mothers than I, I'm sure) carefully document each step, achievement and milestone, but I never got around to it, and now it's too late. So you'll have to accept this blog as good enough, and know that even though I have no idea how old you were when you got your first tooth, took your first step, or said your first word, I still love you immensely. You're the funniest marginally-intelligible guy I know. Much Love, Mom

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Owen's at Skating lessons. Mom isn't.

I'm super excited this morning that Owen is at his first class of the learn to skate program at the local arena. As my devoted readers will remember, I'm a big skating enthusiast and we had Owen on skates before his second birthday. I'm also, it turns out, a bit of a stage parent when it comes to skating. Every time we take the kids to the rink and I take Owen out on the ice, Andy needs to tell me to calm down. Owen's still not a strong skater (come on! he's nearly 4) which causes me great stress. If he's going to be great he needs to be doing backwards crossovers, like, yesterday.... And this is why Andy is taking him to the learn to skate program, not me. Eli and I are enjoying some low-expectations Thomas the Tank Engine and coffee. And I am waiting eagerly for the report on the lessons. I really want Owen to love ice skating. I joke about making him a great figure or hockey skater, but the truth is I don't really care whether he ever gets any good at anything. Normal, moderately successful and happy are more or less the sum total of my goals for my children. But, I do hope that both of them enjoy ice skating because I enjoy ice skating, and it's something we can share. As a mom of two boys, and not likely to have any girls, I sometimes worry that in a house of 3 men Andy and the kids will have lots to share and enjoy together where as I'll be chief lunch packer, carpool driver and homework helper. I think part of pushing the kids into skating is so that we'll have something we can legitimately enjoy together. And of course, I do realize that I need to not push too hard! That's the best way I know of to get kids to hate whatever you're trying to get them to do and possibly you (Tiger Mother's opinions on the matter are not shared by me). But, I did recently join an adult women's hockey team (ha! yes, I really did. The Salisbury Stingers. I'm joining the season late but I skate with them for the first time tomorrow. We'll see if I can still walk afterward...) and I think it would be really fun if the boys do develop an appreciation for hockey. I feel like it's something our whole family can share. And I can't wait to hear how skating lessons went this morning!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Is this better?

We spent some time today playing around with the arrangement on the furniture. Which living room do you like better? The original layout is in the post prior to this one, so you can check that out to compare. We did a "floating" room within the bigger room on the advice of my friend Kim. I think it's better. what do you think?
We also got rid of the TV from the front of the house and put it in the back bedroom. It makes the front of the big living/dining area look so much better, but we still feel like the dining room table doesn't look right in the front of the house. So we still have the awkward hutch issue, but I think it's less awkward now that the living room is rearranged.