Sunday, February 8, 2009

You can't babysit your own children

A chef at cooking school, upon hearing I was getting married, pulled me aside and imparted these words "you can't babysit your own children. Never tell your wife you'll babysit the kids." She was right, but Owen has become less of a dependent than a partner in crime. Today Jenny's working and we've been raising hell. We ate cookies all morning and jumped on the bed. This afternoon we're going to braise lamb shanks and listen to offensive music. Our camera has official expired, the power light flashes low battery even with brand new energizers. So I had to capture a few of his first steps on my phone. The quality is terrible and I can't get his whole body in the frame, but I'll talk you through it.

He starts out playing with his table and sees me. He tries to crawl over so I help him stand up. I'm doing this one handed while he tries to grab the phone, but the footage starts at around second 15 and it's mostly his bobbing head.

Owen proceeded to grab the phone and take his own video. The chiaroscuro is darkened and the plot takes a while to develop, it's reminiscent of Jim Jarmusch.

And here's one of slightly better quality that doesn't involve walking but rewards those who stuck with this post until the end.


1 comment:

Lauren Trahan said...

I love that you started your day eating cookies and jumping on the bed! To be honest, Mikie and I will occassionally have a piece of chocolate together in the morning. Granted, he can talk and admits it to dad (I got in trouble one day from Mike).