We thought long and hard about what to do about the crib situation. We have one crib, two bedrooms, and 1 and 1/2 children under the age of two. Not bad numbers, but as you can see they don't exactly add up. We had lots of options. 1) do nothing. keep owen in his crib, put baby #2 in the cosleeper until 6 months, and deal with it then. 2) buy/borrow/steal a second crib; put it in Owen's room. 3) make the leap to a bed, toddler or twin.
I got lots of opinions on what we should do, mostly from people who've dealt with the 2 under 2 situation recently. And ultimately, we decided to go straight to the twin bed. There were compelling arguments for the others, but the deciding factors were these:
-unlike most 20 month olds, Owen still does not and has never slept through the night consistently. He does still end up in our bed every morning. We've tried so many things to break this pattern with no luck, so, baby steps here. First thing: No more coming into mom's bed. Mom might very well have to come into Owen's bed, but the pattern where he gets himself into our bed stops tonight. Bonus: small possibility that after mom comes in and lies down in new big boy bed, she can sneak back out once Owen is back to sleep. We'll see if this works. So, a toddler bed wasn't going to work for this.
-I feel like major transitions are best tackled separately. So, either we do something now or not till way after baby 2 gets here. I'd rather do it now to avoid taking Owen out of the crib one morning and putting the baby in it that night. Better to have him done with the crib before the little interloper even shows up.
- 2 cribs seems excessive. Plenty of kids transition to a bed between 18-22 months, we don't need another crib, especially since we probably won't have any more babies. It feels like a waste.
So, we'll see. We shall see. Tonight is the maiden voyage. Wish us luck.
Le bed du big boi:
1 comment:
How did it go? Looks like a very nice bed!
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