Andy has lots of good husband qualities, and one of them is that he is an excellent gift giver. While certainly not a required characteristic when looking for a mate for life, it sure makes things nice. Anyway, one of the things he got me for Christmas (I will note that the other one was a diamond bracelet: I'm sure he wants credit on the internet for that too) was a gift certificate to take a class at a craft store that I am obsessed with called The Stitch House in Dorchester. I know what you're thinking - Dorchester? - yep, Dorchester. Turns out Dorchester is gentrifying fast and the little neighborhood this store is in is full of pricey condos and cute bakeries and boutiques. And also, a super awesome craft store. Anyway, I spend way too much money there on yarn as it is, but they have tons of classes, workshops and clubs that I've never quite made it to. And while I do enjoy knitting a great deal, I don't find it particularly challenging. Knitting projects stop getting more interesting at a certain point and just get bigger. Not that I'm going to stop knitting any time soon, just that recently I've started eyeing new frontiers of different crafts. I've been dying to learn to sew for ages, and even had taken an adult ed class a couple years ago, but Owen kind of derailed my learning endeavor. So to give me something to do while I wait for this baby to arrive, I signed up with my gift certificate to the Saturday Sew Intensive, which meets two Saturdays in a row, 4 hours each. They offer it pretty much every month, and if you're interested I HIGHLY reccommend you go. I'd like to take it again - there were several people in my class today who were taking it for the second or third time. Basically, you pick a pattern and some fabric and bring it, and the instructor helps you figure out what you're doing. In the spirit of being 9 months pregnant, I bought a baby outfit pattern (hat, jacket, pants, booties) and some fleece. I finished the pants and got about 1/2 way through the jacket, leaving the jacket details (side seams, collar, cuffs and hemmed edges) as well as the hat and booties for next Saturday (provided I don't have a baby before then). Look!

I'm pretty excited about it, actually. It was a lot of fun and I learned an amazing amount in 4 hours. I can't wait to try my hand at more projects.
Thanks, Andy :)
1 comment:
Thanks for the mention (what a nice lookin' set for a new baby)! We hope you got the rest done before your big day. Let us know!
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