Thursday, April 5, 2012

Deep thoughts.

Owen: Mommy, what's a disability?
Me:'s like when a part of your body doesn't work, or when you can't do something that you used to be able to do.
Owen: what does that mean?
Me: Well, for instance, some people are blind. they can't see anything. that's a disability.
Owen: Miss Marcie said a disability is like when you only have one leg.
Me: Um, ok. yes. that's also a disability.
Owen: So... she said if you only have one leg, you would get a fake leg.
Me: Um, right.
Owen: So, I was wondering, if you only have one leg, how would you get to the fake leg store?
Me: Well....someone would drive you?
Owen: Right. Well, how would they get to the car, then?
Me: They would...I think someone would carry you.
Owen: But what if it was a GROWNUP that needed to get to the fake leg store. How would THEY get to the car?
Me: They would get pushed in a wheelchair - I really don't think you need to worry about this.
Owen: ok. thanks mom. I'm a robot, anyways.

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