Thursday, August 27, 2009

The word is out

I interrupt this blogging vacation to bring you this late-breaking news story.

It's a boy!

As we all were. See you in September :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

blogging vacation.

Does anyone actually check this to see if I've posted anything? well, if you do, you can quit for at least another week because I simply cannot get up the interest to do anything productive in August. August is pretty high up there on the list of things I hate (Sample list of things Jenny hates: 1) Christmas 2) August 3) The dentist 4) people who don't believe in global warming etc.) and I can't get motivated to take photos, write witty (to me, at least. witty to ME. you don't need to write me emails letting me know I'm not as funny as I think I am) recaps of Owen's adventures, or even subject the internet to my outraged liberal ranting. A couple years ago - ok, I just looked up the article and was astounded by the date on the byline...ALMOST TEN FREAKING YEARS AGO - I read a great article called "august - let's get rid of it" by David Plotz. I couldn't agree more. So, rather than waste time on my blog, I'll direct you over there, and as for'll be back up and operational in September. Which is a great month, by the way.

August: let's get rid of it