Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The musings of the sleep deprived.

I've had a revelation this morning, as I read the news and proceeded to be really bummed by the continuing stream of "world is ending" articles.

I consider myself pretty smart. Whenever I've been a student, at any level, I've done not only well but significantly better than average. So it was a real blow to the ol' ego for me that I was really, really bad at economics when I had to take it in college. In fact, I was SO bad at economics I took two semesters of it over the summer - not to try and get credit for it, but because it macro and micro were required for my major (or actually, what was at the time my major. I switched it later so it was all ultimately for naught) and I was worried I wouldn't do well. So I actually took micro and macro over the summer at UNH so that when I took them the following year, my sophomore year, I wouldn't have to worry about doing poorly. Well, pathetically enough, despite the fact that I had already taken both courses, I had a miserable time in microeconomics the first semester. In fact, the only way I squeaked by at all was because my roommate had taken the course year before and she more or less let me study off her old exams. Some crazy memorization helped me, but I still only kept my head above water. Basically, I was SO bad at it, and disliked it so much, that I switched majors and never even took macro second semester.

And I've been fairly put out since then as to why I did so poorly, and just concluded that I'm not as smart as I thought I was.

Until now. reading the economic news these days, I've come to the conclusion that no one else understands it either! Right? If they did, we probably wouldn't be going to economic hell in a handbasket.

Sucks that we're all headed for the breadlines, of course, but at least I feel somewhat vindicated.

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