Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Proud-Mama moment

I know, shameless bragging about my kid. But come on, what did you expect coming to my blog? It was pretty much created for that sole purpose. Andy and I are so proud of Owen for learning to ride a 2 wheeler. And we're even more proud that he figured it out only the second time we let him try it.

here's the link to the video.

We had a feeling he'd be able to do it pretty much right away - he has had a balance bike since he was 2 and we noticed the other day as we walked (and he rode the balance bike) to the park that he could pick his feet up and balance/glide for pretty long periods of time. We figured that basically, this is pretty much what you need to master to ride a real bike, so we bought him the smallest one we could find, didn't attach the training wheels, and let him go for it. he still can't steer and he's not terribly steady, nor does he understand the hand brakes (this bike has both pedal and hand brakes) but he can unquestionably ride the bike. We're pretty proud of him.

But don't worry. On balance, there's probably more to be mortified by than proud of in the case of this particular 3 year old, particularly lately, and particularly in the behavior department. So let me have my small positive moment...I promise I won't let it go to my head.


Pat said...

What a great moment! Savor it.

Pat said...

Great job Owen!