Thursday, January 21, 2010

tiiiiiiime....goes slowly........

So, no baby yet. I've spent the week waiting around for contractions to begin, and although they've begun a number of times, they never really get legs. I'll have contractions for say, three hours about 15 minutes apart, but they never get any closer together and they never get any stronger. The internet tells me this is 'prodromal labor'. My own personal term for it isn't polite and shouldn't be put on a family friendly blog.

It strikes me as cosmically unfair that a woman who goes into labor at 37 weeks is considered just as normal as one who goes in to labor at 42 weeks. Friends, that is a 5 WEEK difference. 5 WEEKS. If that doesn't sound absurdly long to you, then I can only conclude you have never been 9 months pregnant. 5 weeks is over a month. 5 weeks might as well be a century. And the really crappy thing is, because you know there are people that have babies at 37 weeks - I personally know three - as soon as you hit that magic milestone you start thinking 'well, maybe I'll go early.' And other women know about the 37 week thing, so they start telling you 'any time now!'. The 'any time now' is particularly galling, because you start to believe it, and then every day is excruciatingly long. While we're on the subject, I swear that if I hear the following one more time I am not responsible for my actions:
"the baby will come when he's ready!" this has to be the number one most annoying thing said to pregnant women, ever. Trust me when I tell you that if you've ever said this, the woman you said it to might have smiled and nodded, but she was secretly thinking "I hate you." And for some reason, people always feel the need to tell you this as if they personally are the keeper of maternity knowledge. As if pregnant women were walking around with the misguided idea that they had some control over when the baby came, or that on the first day of the 40th week a timer would ding and the baby would be delivered fully cooked.

Anyway, there's really nothing to report, other than (as is probably obvious from the above) I'm a bit cranky these days. Hopefully I'll have good news soon, because, you know,

Any time now!

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