Saturday, May 15, 2010

Team Cox Win

We implemented the plan Dr. Ferber sent home with us, with one small modification - we tried a 9pm bedtime instead of 10pm. This is because one time, Owen had the worst day in the history of his life - honestly a 12 hour meltdown, and I'm not exaggerating - and the only thing we could determine was different on that day from other days was that he had been up until 10pm the night before. So we're a bit gunshy on that front. However, we did everything else in the incredibly detailed plan for the past two nights: the suggested nightime routine, the baby gate protocol, the checking schedule. And amazingly, (amazingly!) both of our children slept 1)in their respective assigned beds 2) all the way until morning (which for Eli was 5:40am, but hey I'll take it because he went down at 7:30) 3) in the same room. Major win! I am a happy mom this morning. We're building good-schedule momentum here, I can feel it.

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