Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My legs aren't broken. So why don't I walk?

I live really close to where I work. No, let me emphasize that: REALLY close. In fact, this morning I realized that it takes approximately the same amount of time to walk to work as it does to drive, inclusive of dropping Owen off at his daycare, which is between my house and my work. This is mainly because there is one stoplight (offset, so it's green longer for the crosstraffic than it would be for me) and a couple one way streets (that I can't drive up but can obviously walk wherever I want) between there and here. So duh, you're thinking: of course, I walk to work every day, dropping off Owen on the way. It's good exercise, good for the environment, and just, you know, good. Because only a jerk would drive a mile, when she could walk HALF a mile, and get to the same places, in the same amount of time. right?

Er. So. Hi, my name is Jenny, and I'm a jerk.

The PROBLEM with the walking to work plan has red hair, weighs about 22 lbs, and has a disarming smile. He's charming, but don't let him fool you! Behind that goofy grin hides miles of INCONVENIENT. It's a pain in the butt for us to coordinate me walking to work. First of all, there's just all this..STUFF that has to be dragged around on his account. I'm still nursing, so every day I have to bring my pump bag ( Can't live without it) and that pump bag is heavy! Plus, we've already covered in earlier posts the comprehensive packing event that is Owen's daycare bag. Then there's Owen himself, and my work shoes - half a mile or no, I'm not wearing heels while pushing a stroller loaded down like a sherpa - my purse, my lunch, and sometimes my workout clothes.

Once I actually get Owen to daycare, the problems multiply. We have an awesome stroller - a big stroller. So, what to do with it once it's divested of baby? We could leave it in Ms. debbie's backyard, but that causes a bit of a problem, because the stroller is too big to comfortably fit in either car. That means when Andy comes to pick Owen up, he has to completely dissasemble the stroller so he can put it in the car. This makes Andy cranky, which is not a harmonious state of affairs. Andy doesn't get home early enough that he can park his car at home, walk to daycare, and then walk Owen home. He usually shows up with barely any time to spare before daycare closes. I don't even get out of work until daycare closes. So I could take the stroller with me to work....but then, where do I keep it? do I park it in the parking lot? I can't bring it up to my office.

More often than not, it's just easier to drive. I drive the baby to daycare, drop him off, and continue driving to work. Andy picks him up, and I drive the rest of the way home. But this is seriously hurting my green mama street cred.

I have to figure out a way to make walking work. Any suggestions are appreciated!


Christine Ryan said...

Would getting an umbrella stroller work? Those fold up pretty small yet you can cart a kid and lot of attachments to the handles. Just a thought. Good luck you'll get through it although with winter approaching quickly, maybe try the walking again in the spring.

Joy said...

Hey Jenny,
I have a nice umbrella stroller that we won't be using with Clara quite yet. Would you like to borrow it for a while?