Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I finally managed to order our holiday cards, and they arrived today. I was so proud of myself for actually taking a picture, selecting a card on snapfish and ordering them before January 1 that I forgot when they arrived I would actually have to address and mail them. God, life is exhausting. Anyway, they're really not that cute. I thought they were when I ordered them, but the mockup on the snapfish website is just so damn small, that the expression on Owen's face that I thought was 'holiday excitement' looks more like 'surprise bordering on fear' on the final product. Don't worry, if you're one of my 10 faithful readers you're certainly on the list of people who will get one, so you can see for yourself. If I ever mail them, that is. Anyway, last year we ordered 40 and ran out. I distinctly remember feeling badly about several people who did not get one, so this year I ordered 60. And now that they're here, I cannot for the life of me think of 60 people that I even know, let alone need to send a holiday card to. I'm soliciting suggestions, so if you can think of someone who needs to be wished peace and health in the new year send me thier address. There's really only so many off-label uses for a photo holiday card.

Speaking of photos, I've been toying with the idea of bringing Owen to visit Santa this weekend. I'm very firmly of the opinion that my kids are not going to believe in Santa (save your outrage, people. It's not going to scar them. And if they want to do the whole santa thing with thier kids, I won't take it personally) so I'm not sure I really want to do that. But I guess you can get the benefit of the cute photo-op without having to explain Santa as anything more than a decorative accent to the holiday, like a Christmas tree. Especially this young. Anyway, so we might do that, and if that picture comes out nicely, maybe I'll scrap these cards and order another set.

Then again, that would probably result in 120 cards sitting on my counter making fun of me for not being able to get things done.

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